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Prof. Dr.

Daniel Maier

Daniel Maier (born 1991) is an Assistant Professor of New Testament at the Faculty of Theology at the University of Copenhagen. Before his appointment in Denmark, he worked for three years as a Postdoc at the University of Zurich in Switzerland and did his Ph.D. at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich in Germany. His research interests are diverse but interconnected, ranging from happiness in ancient Judaism and the New Testament to the Ethiopic transmission of ancient texts and their digitalization, as well as the reception of ancient history and theology in video games. He is currently preparing a course on "Religion in Video Games" together with Martin Bürgin at the Theological Faculty of the UZH, for which they received a grant from the "Universitäre Lehrförderung (ULF)" to develop new didactic tools and concepts on the study of video games, including research-based learning in this particular field and so-called "video game essays" as an assessment method.


University of Copenhagen
University of Zurich


Faculty of Theology


Afdeling for Bibelsk Eksegese