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Eugen Pfister

Eugen Pfister is project lead of the SNF-Sinergia research project "Confederatio Ludens: Swiss History of Games, Play and Game Design 1968-2000". From 2018 to 2021 he was project lead of the SNF-Sinergia project "Horror - Game - Politics" at the Hochschule der Künste Bern - HKB. Born 1980 in Vienna, Studies in History and Political Sciences at the University of Vienna and the Université Paris IV – Sorbonne. From 2008 to 2013 fellowship at the international graduate school „The History of Political Communication from the Antiquities to the 20th century.“ PhD in co-tutelle at the Universita degli studi di Trento and at the Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main. Since 2010 he lectured at the University of Vienna, at the Heinrich Heine Universität in Düsseldorf and at the Université de Fribourg. Founding Member of the research group "Geschichtswissenschaft und Digitale Spiele" ( 2016-2017 he was research assistant at the Institute of Culture Studies and Theatre History at the Austrian Academy of Science. Since 2015 he operates a research blog on cultural studies and video games called "Spiel-Kultur-Wissenschaft. Mythen im Digitalen Spiel" (


Hochschule der Künste Bern
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