Hiloko Kato
Hiloko Kato works as postdoc in the SNF Sinergia project »Confoederatio Ludens – Swiss Game History, Play and Game Design 1968-2000« and as senior researcher at the GameLab Zurich. She is associated at the Chair of Prof. Heiko Hausendorf in German Linguistics of the University of Zurich and works as visiting lecturer at the German Departments of the University of Zurich and Basel as well as at the ZHdK in the subject area of Game Design. In recent years, her research interests have shifted significantly towards game studies, human-nonhuman interaction and digital agency (of human players, game characters including animals), with pragmatic linguistics remaining her main focus, namely with the fine-grained sequential ethnomethodological and conversation analytic informed approaches using video recorded data.
Since August 2022 she acts as the chair of the DSI Commity Gaming with the goal to bring researchers together who either work on or with games for fruitful collaboration.
Thematic focus