Jiahui An
Jiahui started her PhD in Cefir in September 2022, her main research project is at the intersection of Brain-Computer-Interface and cognitive neuroscience. Jiahui is born and raised in China, since 2017 April she moved to Germany and studied Bioinformatics at the University of Tübingen. She gained her master degree in Neural Behavior Sciences at the International Max Planck Research School (Tübingen) in October 2021. During her stay in Tübingen, she also worked as a research assistant conducting several behavioral experiments using Eeytracker, EEG and facial expression analysis at Max Planck Institute for Intelligent System and Leibniz Institute for Knowledge media. Her currrent research project aims to develop a digital biomarker capable of detecting cognitive load for clinical cognitive assessment, utilizing functional near-infrared spectroscopy. The biomarker's potential applications extend beyond, encompassing areas such as diagnostics, education, and driving, among others.